Healthcare Coaches
and Providers

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Calm Your Chaos in 5 Minutes or Less!

The challenge of striking an optimal work/life balance has become increasingly prevalent, as healthcare professionals grapple with high levels of stress stemming from work demands and personal responsibilities. We can facilitate individuals on how to identify and implement effective strategies using integrative therapies. Our program is designed to provide you the tools you need to alleviate stress, enhance wellbeing, and create harmonious balance between work and life, ultimately contributing to greater overall statisfaction.



Providing health professionals simple and effective strategies that use relaxation therapy, aromatherapy,Ā and gentle movement to balance and uplift your patients, your team, and yourself!


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Supportive Therapy Engagement Program


Discover the power of scientifically proven integrative therapies to manage pain, discomfort, fatigue, anxiety, and more. Pharmaceuticals are not the only answer!


After years of research and first-hand experience, I developed the Supportive Therapy Engagement Program (S.T.E.P.). This signature, one-of-a-kind program is for nurses and other healthcare providers who want to achieve balance and harmony for themselves and those they care for.
Improve outcomes by implementing relaxation techniques, using aromatherapy, and incorporating gentle movement practices.

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Meet Your Mentor

Debra Reis


Debra Reis Wellness Services, LLC
Debra Reis RN, MSN, CNS
[email protected]

I’m an author, speaker, educator, clinical nurse specialist, and nurse practitioner with 40 years of healthcare experience. I genuinely love nursing but often felt that I was unable to use all my talents and at times felt squashed with all the administrative duties. So, I began to explore supportive therapies that gave me a new perspective and ability to bring balance to my work/life experience. I’ve made it my mission to share these tools with my colleagues. I created the Supportive Therapy Engagement Program (S.T.E.P.) to enhance well-being. It’s a comprehensive, evidence-based program designed to simply make a big impact.

Peace and Joy, “debra”

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Teresa Yoon


“I learned many new aspects of essential oils. I especially appreciated the Supporting Cancer Care with Essential Oils program that gave me hands-on practice. This class was very helpful and I can utilize what I learned with my cancer patients at work. Thank you very much for providing such a wonderful class.”

Debra is featured on several Podcasts and Articles

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